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Why Concrete Spacers?

Why Concrete Spacers

Sani Concrete Spacers are designed with accurately proportinated mixture to meet the targeted strength.
Moreover the molds used for casting are precise in dimensions and shape to meet the structural requirements.

Why factory made Concrete Spacers?

Rock Solid Strength

All types Of spacers are made under strict quality control guidelines. Compressive strenght not less than 60 N/ mm2. We also provide the spacers with high strength (up to 90 N/ mm2), if order is placed at least 1 month in advance.


Dimension details of spacers are embossed on every piece. Packed in bag with exact count and for ease of handling/movement at site. These features and factors are missing in site made concrete spacers.


Casted in precise mold, ensures accurate dimensions under supervision of highly skilled team.


Concrete to concrete bond is perfect. No hair cracks develop between the spacer and surrounding concrete.

Why not Plastic Spacers?

Plastic and concrete does not go along, as they do not bond properly. Studies show that corrosion can initiate in such cases even though the spacers are used. No fire or heat resistance, other way it flammable.

Why not Site Made Spacers?

Concrete spacers shall not be made on the construction
site because:-

No control on proportion of the ingredients of the mixture

No proper vibration for dense concrete

No control on strength to match design grade strength

Wastage of Cement

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